Compassionate Care,
Holistic Healing,
Free for Those in Need.

Providing holistic betterment of our patients’ health through free medical and counseling care.​

Our Services

Our clinic aims to provide a holistic range of medical and counseling services to patients in the metropolitan DC area. 
We currently provide the following services:
A doctor in blue scrubs consults with a patient, gesturing while holding a pen. A clipboard and stethoscope rest on the table, emphasizing the medical setting. Un médico con uniforme azul consulta a un paciente, gesticulando con un bolígrafo. Un portapapeles y un estetoscopio descansan sobre la mesa, destacando el entorno médico. 파란색 스크럽을 입은 의사가 환자와 상담하며 펜을 들고 설명하고 있습니다. 책상 위에는 클립보드와 청진기가 놓여 있어 의료 환경을 강조합니다. A doctor in blue scrubs consults with a patient, gesturing while holding a pen. A clipboard and stethoscope rest on the table, emphasizing the medical setting. Un médico con uniforme azul consulta a un paciente, gesticulando con un bolígrafo. Un portapapeles y un estetoscopio descansan sobre la mesa, destacando el entorno médico. 파란색 스크럽을 입은 의사가 환자와 상담하며 펜을 들고 설명하고 있습니다. 책상 위에는 클립보드와 청진기가 놓여 있어 의료 환경을 강조합니다.

Primary Care, General Medicine​

A smiling child receiving a checkup from a doctor at a free clinic. Un niño sonriente recibiendo un chequeo médico de un doctor en una clínica gratuita. 무료 클리닉에서 건강 검진을 받으며 웃고 있는 어린이.


A healthcare professional using a stethoscope to check a patient's heart at a clinic. Un profesional de la salud usando un estetoscopio para revisar el corazón de un paciente en una clínica. 의료진이 클리닉에서 청진기로 환자의 심장 상태를 확인하는 모습


A doctor examining a patient's bandaged knee at an orthopedic clinic. Un médico examinando la rodilla vendada de un paciente en una clínica ortopédica. 정형외과 클리닉에서 의사가 환자의 붕대 감긴 무릎을 검사하는 모습.


About GCC

GCC Established in 2004 as a Non-profit, charitable organization providing free medical care and counseling service to our underserved neighbors in the metropolitan DC area. Our GCC clinic is run entirely by volunteers and operates using our donors’ personal and corporate contributions.

Our Partners

GCC thanks our partners for their material support and spiritual fellowship throughout the clinic’s history of operations. ​

Copyright © 2025 · All Rights Reserved · Grace Community Center Clinic